


as reviewed by kalinara via the Pretty, Fizzy Paradise Blog

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I'm returned from my digression by the sight of Niko, Zach, Waldo and Zozo in a really odd situation. The three men (or men-type creatures) are in this strange bowl-shaped inflatable looking thing, while Niko stands on what looks like a diving board over it. Each male-type-creature is in an odd circle. Zozo is bouncing about like a loon, it should be noted.

Apparently they're all trying to convince Waldo to take part in something called "Zero-G Gymnastics." Which kind of sounds like cheating if you ask me. But on the other hand, it also sounds like a lot of fun. Waldo appreciates the effort, but considers "Zero-G" to not be natural.

Um, Waldo. Isn't SPACE zero-g? Wouldn't that, ya know, make it NATURAL? I'm just sayin'.

Zozo is back to his awesome self by pointing out the same damn thing I just typed. "If it's unnatural, why's there so much of it?" Which is actually better than what I just typed. I love you Zozo.

Zach chimes in that Waldo should try it, it's easy. Then bounces in the circle, which is apparently a trampoline. It pushes him through a weird mess of bubbles at the ceiling of the room (hyper-powered trampoline!), and into a weird dome where he does tricks in mid air.

Zach's kind of annoying.

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Anyway, Niko assures Waldo they won't let him get hurt as Zach hops back down to the trampoline in the background. There's something funny about that shot but I can't really explain why.

Waldo protests that it's all so undignified. Aw. Poor Waldo. Dignity really isn't any fun. That's why I made my blog the color of radioactive cotton candy.

Zozo gets bored with Waldo's whining, hops over to his Tram-am-poline, and hops them both up into Zero-G. He then invites Niko to dance. Our man Zozo has style.

Niko dives from the board, hops from the tram-am-poline, and into the zero g chamber, when suddenly her badge lights up and she gasps and faints. Zozo calls for help.

Goose is standing on the edge of some see-saw looking thing, and orders Doc to give him a boost, which he does so by leaping on the other end. Goose propels into the zero-g chamber and catches Niko.

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I'm not entirely sure why that was necessary, or why he couldn't just use the trampoline thing. or why Zach who was closer couldn't use the trampoline thing. But okay.

Possibly it has to do with the whole leaping down a story or two once back in the non-zero-g area to land on a bunch of mattresses? Who knows. Anyway, Niko comes to and explains that something terrible has happened, while Doc scans her and announces that something activated her implant.

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A fellow with blue hair and an oddly old-school Battlestar Galactica style cape appears on the view screen. He introduces himself as Senator Wheiner (pronounced "whiner") and explains that a) Mindnet's stolen, b) Goose looks like the culprit, c) Zach's to bring the Rangers for a formal inquiry, and d) Zach's got to arrest Goose.

Goose is rather understandably indignant and announces that he took an oath. Zach tells Wheiner that he's making a big mistake. Wheiner hangs up. Dick.

Goose quietly thanks Zach for backing him, and Zach tells him that the day they don't trust one another is the day they're finished. Aw. Sure it's kid-soundbyte friendly, but it's a sweet sentiment.

Doc quips that he was just getting used to ONE Goose, while Goose asserts with some mild irritation that it wasn't him. Niko points out that they're dealing with a very dangerous enemy and they need to identify him/her.

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The Rangers now stand before Commander Walsh. Zach asserts that Goose isn't a traitor, while Doc asks a pertinent question: "Just where are the other Supertroopers that survived?"

That survived? Now THAT's something that sounds like it has a story behind it! Anyway, Goose murmurs that he wishes he knew, before turning to Walsh and his awesome mustache and asking what exactly he was supposed to have stolen.

Walsh explains that the Mindnet is "a means of artificially induced telepathy." Hmm. Considering that the Rangers actually used it last episode, I wonder if my guide wasn't mistaken about the order. I suppose we'll see if/when they get the Mindnet back.

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Walsh points out that on high settings it could allow control of intelligent life. Waldo, of all people, quips that it's fortunate Senator Wheiner is safe. Heh. I get the feeling he's not popular in this bunch.

Okay! Apparently the device IS both parts that we saw last episode, as Walsh explains that "the thief" only got HALF of the device and the other half is stored in BETA headquarters.

That's actually a fairly clever security measure!

Zach asks if the thief can get Mindnet to function, and Walsh admits that he doesn't know. The stolen part has powers they don't completely understand. Which brings up the interesting question of where it came from, but no one asks. Normally I'd call that a blind spot, but in this show, it could very well just mean the characters already know and thus don't feel the need to ask.

I appreciate the show for that, but at the same time, it can be damn frustrating.

Niko points out that it does work and it activated her charge. Walsh is worried because the Board is "still sensitive about the surviving supertroopers." Which is definitely an intriguing as well as alliterative statement. Zach wants time to find Mindnet, and Walsh tells them that he has 24-hours before he has to turn Goose over.

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