
Episode Guide



Episodes 01-10

Ep # Title Writer(s) Original Air-date Review Reviewer
01 Phoenix Robert Mandell September 14, 1986
The Queen has put a price on the heads of the new race, humans. Captain Kidd sets a trap, snares the Phoenix spaceship with the Foxx family and the Ambassadors Waldo & Zozo aboard. Jessica and Little Zach get away. Zach and Eliza end up captured, Eliza gets turned over to the Crown, the ambassadors bust Zach out, and he gets shot in the process.

Kidd then helps them get away, as the Queen has double crossed him on payment. Zach gets back to Earth, gets a bionic arm and leg, and the S5 implant. Commander Walsh creates the Series 5 team to help Zach recover his wife and the other humans captured by the Queen.
02 New Frontier Robert Mandell October 29, 1986
The Rangers go to Tortuna, looking for Captain Kidd, to find out what happened to Eliza. After escaping the Queens trap on Tortuna, Kidd leads them to the Queen's asteroid. They are captured by the Queen, but they can escape with Eliza's comatose body and rescue all the humans intact, but the other half of her psychocrystal is still in the hands of the Queen.
03 Tortuna Christopher Rowley September 15, 1986
Geezi is a snitch, and he has one of the Queen's memory birds (so she doesn't use disks for data storage and retrieval, okay?). The Rangers go back to Tortuna (this time undercover as Zanguils) to buy the bird from Geezi, and they learn about how the Queen has decimated the Gherkin race along the way. Doc almost gets turned into a slaver lord, but you gotta watch it to see how everyone gets away.
04 Chained Robert Mandell September 18, 1986
Goose has to transport MaCross to Earth for trial. Lucky, lucky guy. The Black Hole Gang has other ideas, as MaCross apparently hid a stash of Starstones before he was captured, and they want the stones and MaCross back. They attack Goose's interceptor while in hyperspace, and they come out WAY off course, and crash on the frontier planet Ozark. Annie O. finds them, and so do the gang. Goose promises to come back someday, Annie gives him a peck on the cheek, MaCross goes to prison.
05 Smuggler's Gauntlet Brian Daley October 7, 1986
Someone has stolen the Supertrooper Juice formula, and it's up to the Rangers to find out who the mysterious "Overboss" is, before the Board of Leaders puts them out of commission.
06 Mistwalker Lucia Robson October 22, 1986
Zach and Zozo are sent to Biste-Fenokee to check up on Audra Miles, an anthropologist studying a aboriginal species on a world where nature is in complete control, and doesn't much like technology. Zach can't deal with the tribe's Shaman, Mistwalker, and is peeved because none of his devices work (bugs in 'em, literally), while the Black Hole Gang are looking for starstones, and aren't going to let any natives get in their way. This one has a great ending.
07 Wildfire Henry Beck September 23, 1986
On a transport-ship carrying explosives, the Rangers get a distress call from Cody Wildfire Carson, who remembers Zach from when he was just a kid. He's being chased by a Bad Guy called Garret who wants him dead for some crime or another, and asks for sanctuary, which Zach is forced to give. Cody tries to steal Shane's ship operated by Elma in one of the show's most memorable moments, where Elma zaps him and calmly replies "You, sir, are a boob.".
08 Ghost Station Lance Strate October 8, 1986
An artificial planetoid is heading straight for Earth on a collision course, so the Rangers and the ambassadors got try to stop it. A highly sophisticated computer is running the show, and its a horror picture. Using holography, Spek (the computer) is trying to drive them off with one ghost story after another. Everybody splits into teams (horror movie mentality) to see who can get to the control room first. It seems Spek was programmed by some long dead alien race, and can't get out of him programming. He doesn't want to hit earth, but has no choice. Doc "helps" him to self destruct before he can do any damage, and they sadly say good-bye. This episode highly resembles Scooby Doo in a warped way....
09 One Million Emotions Tom De Haven September 19, 1986
The Rangers are in charge of security at an intergalactic art show where a Poe mutant Sensation doll is stolen. The doll is dangerous to humans, indeed to everyone but a Poe, as it holds the emotions of the artist. One million emotions to be exact, and will drive you mad if you touch it. Jackie Subtract steals it for Brappo (who owns New Jersey!). After fighting their way through Brappo's garden of death, Goose and Niko confront him, demanding he return the doll. He shouts no, and goes to grab it off the table. He lets it go with a scream, and Niko goes to catch it. Shane pushes her out of the way, catches it himself, and his bio defenses save him from goin' nuts.
10 Traash Christopher Rowley October 2, 1986 Review Series 6 Podcast
A very aggressive new race appears and is destroying everything in its path, including Crown destroyers and Captain Kidd is the only one who knows anything about them. All he has to do is give a little whistle....

Episodes 11-20

Ep # Title Writer(s) Original Air-date Review Reviewer
11 Mindnet Brian Daley September 16, 1986
Killbane breaks into Longshot disguised as Goose, and steals one of the component's of Mindnet, a device that induces psi abilities, for the Queen. In order to clear Shane's name the Rangers have to find it quick. The Queen plants false images in Niko's head using the Mindnet, and so they are led into a trap. Goose challenges Killbane, and wins, but the Queen doesn't intend to keep her word. Niko throws a shield around the Rangers when the Queen uses the mindnet with both its parts, and all unshielded thoughts are laid bare to each other, commencing in a free for all during which Killbane and the Queen get away, but the damaged mindnet is removed.

NOTE: Close to the end there's a strange situation, where the Queen excapes Niko, still having the mindnet-device in her hands (a Slaverlord grabs Niko). The Queen leaves the screen to the right side (with the Mindnet), and a second later Buzz enters the screen on the left side, slapping the Slaverlord with the Mindet. So we may assume that it was broken into two pieces before, one in the hand of the Queen, and one under the control of the Rangers.
12 Tune-Up John Rawlins October 20, 1986
Q-ball's lab is studying a slew of alien devices, and Buzzwang and little Zach are supposed to be inventorying them. A wicked alien xerox machine from hell grabs Buzz and makes a whole pack of Baby Buzzwangs, who steal Ranger 2, and head for a planet in the empty zone. Buzz and Zach follow (against the rules) in Ranger 1, and you just gotta watch this one. It defies description.
13 Space Sorcerer Robert Mandell September 22, 1986
Niko gets a distress call from Ictar, a race called the Basuti that look like small bears, that the last Space Sorcerer has taken over their planet and is forcing them to dig for starstones. The Rangers confront him and he disappears in a cloud of smoke vowing revenge.
14 Progress John Rawlins October 23, 1986
The Rangers receive a distress call from a planet with more water than land, so they, and the dolphins, Icarus and Winter, are sent to investigate. Three nutso aliens had restarted an abandoned factory that was polluting the one major land mass, and making the planets aquatic natives sick.
15 Queen's Lair Christopher Rowley September 17, 1986
The Queen has built a canon that can destroy a planet, and is trying to hold the League hostage with it. So the Rangers are sent in to work with the resistance group on the planet, and destroy the weapon. The resistance group is lead by Wirwar, who's family is held hostage by the queen and who tries to hand over the Rangers to the Queen. Anyway they succeed in destroying the Queen's weapon nut have to escape in a ship which they discover only has five minutes worth of oxygen.
16 The Ax Dan Fiorella October 1, 1986 Review Dan Fiorella
Roy and Burro are prospecting and find a treasure trove of alien artifacts. He calls in his old friend and fellow archaeologist Niko, and Doc tags along. But they "tomb" is guarded by a giant robot guardian with an ax, and it doesn't like them being there.
17 Shaky TBA September 25, 1986
Roy and Burro are back, this time on Shaky, a planet with LOTS of seismic activity, but possibly a BIG starstone deposit, and the Black Hole Gang wants the claim.
18 Space Moby Dan Fiorella September 24, 1986
The Rangers are sent to rid an asteroid belt of giant space whales. But they end up in the middle of a fight between SpacePeace and a madman, consumed with a vengeful desire to destroy the whales forever.
19 Scarecrow Christopher Rowley October 31, 1986
Goose, Niko, and Zozo are on Grana, taking soil samples to see how well Kiwi veggies will grow. At the harvest dance, Goose dances with a young lady whose boyfriend Johnny is mildly annoyed, and goes off more annoyed. He runs afoul of a very old, very powerful, and very malevolent being who had been sleeping beneath the surface of Grana when the Rangers machine woke him. He wants off planet, badly. He steals Triton, and shoots Niko. He then assaults Niko, trying to get Ranger I's password so he can use it to get off planet. Goose confronts his, calls him "Scarecrow" after the being in Johnny's ghost story, and he adopts the name. In the end, the Scarecrow gets away, and Niko and Goose wonder what manner of creature it is.
20 The Power Within James Luceno September 26, 1986
Lazarus Slade grabs the Rangers out of hyperspace, and makes them play his version of the most dangerous game, without their badges. They have to make do as normal, human Rangers. And they do just fine.


  • Editing and importing the list in the Sandbox


Pages that will have intersections with Episodes, Characters, Locations, etc.

To do: Cross reference Character Guide and start creating disambiguation links.

  1. Tortuna
  2. Mistwalker
  3. Mindnet
  4. Traash
  5. Scarecrow
  6. Psychocrypt
  7. Lady of Light
  8. Mothmoose
  9. Ariel
  10. Bronto Bear
  11. Supertroopers
  12. Galaxy Stranger
  13. Changeling
  14. Sundancer