
Time Bomb - Chapter 14


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Time Bomb

Chapter 14

by Richard Ryley

As the Galaxy Rangers charged into the communications room, they were drawn up short at the sight of two Crown Troopers waiting for them. But the lead Trooper took off his helmet, revealing the metal head of Buzzwang. He began taking off the rest of the armor, while Eve ran past him towards the Rangers.

"SHANE!" Eve cried, running straight to Gooseman. She hugged him, tightly, seemingly unmindful of the bulky armor she was wearing. "I was so scared! When the Queen took you away... and then when I heard the signal go off..."

"It's all right," Goose told her. "I'm fine. Doc came through for us, and you and Buzz were able to cover our exit."

Buzzwang nodded. "Once I realized that Ranger Hartford had already sabotaged the transmitter, I was able to concentrate on the Queen's security systems. I have also downloaded extensive information on the Psychocrypt and its operational parameters."

"Come on, you guys," Doc yelled. "Let's get out of here before Buzz winds up wearing that uniform permanently -- and we get fitted for Slaverlord robes!"

"That is another point. This Crown Trooper armor should double as a space suit", Buzzwang said, handing it to Doc. "Since Gooseman, Daisy and Zozo are still in their suits, that'll save us having to go back all the way to the lateral port where we left yours."

"My luck's holding out," Doc said. He slipped into the uniform in seconds flat. "So let's go, already."

"Wait!" Buzzwang said, holding up a hand. "I also have someone here who wants to talk to you."

Doc turned to look at him, confused, as the robot's voice shifted into a much higher register. "Hey, Doco!" The voice said. "Guess who?"


"I intercepted him in the computer system, searching for a power source," Buzzwang said. "Apparently he fled into the system when your charge gave out, knowing that he wouldn't be able to return to you without a physical form. I was able to download him into my system just moments before he disippated."

The hacker held out his CDU, grinning widely. Buzz touched his finger to the I/O port, and the tweaker passed back into its "home" with a flare of blue light. There was a cacophone of greetings from the CDU as the other tweakers welcomed their ally back.

"Way to go, Pathfinder!" Doc told him. "It must have just been your physical form that I felt dissipate."

"Let's go, let's go," Zozo interrupted, jumping up and down. "I think I hear more Troopers coming!"

The Rangers raced back down the passageway toward the upper port elevator, Daisy and Eve bringing up the rear. They were able to make it back to one of the elevator tubes, but then an electronic voice came from behind.

"Galaxy Rangers, halt!" Daisy whirled, taking out the trooper in a single shot. As Eve and the others crowded into the elevator, Goose and Daisy provided cover fire. Then they ducked through the doors themselves, just before they closed.

"I think they've figured out where we are," Doc commented, as the elevator jerked to a halt. He ripped open the control panel, and stuck his CDU into among the wiring. "I may not have any charges left, but that doesn't mean the Doctor cannot operate."

After a few moments, the elevator began to move again. The doors slid open, and the Rangers dove out into the hall, Buzzwang shielding Eve's body with his own, as he pulled her to safety. The small room erupted with light, as the few Crown Troopers left to guard the portal opened fire, but the Rangers took them out quickly.

After a quick check of their suits, Doc threw open the portal, and the Rangers drifted out into space above the asteroid. "Me ship's over there," Daisy said to Doc, pointing at a smaller rock drifting nearby. "The cloak's on, so hopefully Queenie doesn't know where it is."

"No, but I think she knows where we are..." Doc pointed in another direction, as a pair of Crown fighters swooped down on their position. The Rangers were forced to duck back inside the entry cavern, as blaster fire ripped out chunks of stone from the asteroid next to them.

"Great," Daisy growled. "They got us pinned doon. One o' us is ginna have ta make a break for the ship, an' provide cover fire."

Gooseman frowned. "Well, time to get dangerous..."

Doc triggered the comm unit in his Trooper uniform. "This is Agent 6 7/8, I have captured the escaped prisoners! I'll escort them back to the Psychocrypt, there is no need for further assistance."

"Nice try, Galaxy Ranger," came back the electronically altered reply, "but we know that you took two of our uniforms."

"Someone distract them!" Zozo shouted, excitedly. "I'll make a break for the ship, under the cover of the rocks! As small as I am, they might not spot me!"

"Good idea," Goose agreed. "Daisy?"

She grinned at him provocatively. "I'd follow you anywhere, Shane."

"Just keep down, or you might regret saying that," Triggering the jet pack on his red-and-white space suit, he shot out towards the approaching ships. Daisy followed a moment later, a streak of gold trailing just behind him. The two opened fire with their blasters, their shots useless against the armor of the fighters, but the ships were drawn off to chase them.

"Wish me luck," Zozo said, and rocketed off in the other direction.

"Good luck," Buzzwang answered.

"Mama always said there'd be days like this," added Doc. He pulled Buzz and Eve down behind an outcropping of rock, out of sight, while he watched their teammates take on the Crown Fighters.

Goose and Daisy, being much smaller and faster targets, succeeded in keeping ahead of their adversaries for a few moments. But then a stray blast came within a hair's breadth of disintegrating Daisy. The shot detonated, the concussion sending her spinning backwards, right into the path of the advancing fighter. At the last minute, Goose shot past, scooping up the unconscious outlaw and pulling her to safety.

But the fighter that had been following him had noticed Zozo's rocket trail. As the other ship kept up the pursuit of Goose and Daisy, the Crown Trooper banked his craft into a tight turn, and came at Zozo from ahead.

"Oh, Mothmoose pellets!" The little Kiwi shouted. "I'm in the soup now!"

A bright, four pointed blaze of red light opened just behind the fighter. The familar blue and white shape of a Ranger ship burst into view. It opened fire on the fighter, sending it spinning out of control.

"Ranger One?!!!" Goose triggered his intercom. "Zack! Niko! Get out of here, quick! The Queen's set a trap, and it may still go off any second!"

"It's me, Goose," came ALMA's voice, through the intercom. "When you didn't return to Frontier, I set off trying to track you. And then when I intercepted the Queen's transmission, I came here."

"It's Ranger Two!" Buzzwang put in, unnecessarily. The Ranger ship swooped down to the asteroid, and Zozo zipped in help his friends aboard. The four quickly hurried into the airlock, even as ALMA extended it out to meet them.

With Zozo providing cover fire from the ship, Goose was able to make it to the ship with Daisy. She regained consciousness as he was pulling off her helmet.

"I owe you one there, Ranger." She said, somewhat contritely.

Gooseman smiled at her. "Don't worry about it. Let's just say I'm sure Walsh will give you that pardon after all the help you've been."

She grinned back. "He'd better replace my Interceptor, too. I don' have an AI to guide her home, like you do."

"ALMA!" Goose cut in. "Circle around to the east face and drop a tractor beam on that gold-colored Interceptor, hidden behind an asteroid there."

"Shane." Daisy said, "You're too good to me."

v "I'm just trying to keep you out of trouble," he countered with a grin. As he stood up and headed towards the control console, ALMA spoke.

"I have relayed the news about the self-destruct signal, and our escape, to Ranger One. They have set a return course for BETA."

"Then let's join them."

"Yes, Goose." The stars outside the windows turned a brilliant red, and shot towards the ship as they rocketed into Hyperspace.