
Time Bomb - Chapter 08


Time Bomb

Chapter 08

by Richard Ryley

The Rangers climbed out of Daisy's golden Interceptor, while Daisy gazed out over the bleak desert landscape with a pair of binoculars. They had landed in an empty canyon, well away from the outskirts of Tortuna. It would be a long way to the only major city on the outlaw planet, but if it kept them hidden from the eyes of the Crown, a long walk would be worth it.

Buzzwang took a few experimental steps, testing his balance. "I seem to have regained some mobility, although my balance is still not 100%. But I believe I will no longer need Eve's assistance."

"Good," Eve put in. "You're one heavy bucket of bolts..." She then grinned at the android. "But I'm staying close by just in case."

"That would be for the best," Buzzwang agreed. "I will better be able to protect you if we are attacked."

"We've got company," Goose growled.

"You've got good eyes, Shane," Daisy commented, lowering her binoculars, as a cloud of dust appeared near the end of the canyon. It sped towards them, but the Irish outlaw didn't seem worried. "That's just me friend comin'," she said, "don't worry."

Within moments, a small cart had pulled up next to them. A purple alien with antennae sat in the driver's seat, while a yellowish fellow with big ears and a trunk sat next to him. Gooseman started as he recognized the passenger.


"I thought it might be you Ranger hummings, when Afgar told me hummings were coming to Tortuna. Only Ranger hummings are foolish enough to come here."

"I'm no Ranger, an' I come here," Daisy said. "What's this guy doin' here, Afgar?"

"I went to him for the stuff you wanted, and he insisted on coming along. He's okay, I often go to him for stuff that I can't find."

"Your reputation preceeds you, Geezy," Goose said.

"I hope not," Geezy protested, making a trumpeting sound through his trunk. "I'm not here, remember?"

Goose chuckled, but the purple alien had climbed off of the wagon, and was opening up the back. He tossed some robes and body armor to the Rangers. Goose laughed again. "Zanquils?"

"They look a little like humans, so we can pass fer 'em," Daisy answered. "Can ye think of anything better, Ranger?"

"Not at all," Goose said, putting on the armor. "It just so happens that WE use Zanquil garb, when we come here..."

"I figgered ye might," Daisy said.


"Zozo, you and Buzz scout out the back," Goose said. They were standing in front of a bar near the edge of the spaceport dome. The Kiwi nodded, and pulled his hat down over his long ears, vanishing into the alley with his two allies. Zozo had grabbed the hat just to avoid unwanted attention, but it was his human friends who needed to hide under the full costume of Zanquil traders.

As Goose and Daisy made their way into the bar, however, a figure in the shadows spotted them, despite their disguises. He slid off of his barstool and glanced back at them, and Goose recognized Kilbane's sneer under the dark hood he was wearing. The renegade Supertrooper took off in a run, headed off down a passageway leading into the back rooms of the establishment.

Ryker was grinning wickedly, as Goose burst into the room, Daisy right behind him. "You shouldn't have come, runt. Now I've got you right where I want you." He was holding a small device in his hand, and as Goose came at him, he pressed a button on it.

Goose suddenly cried out in pain, putting his hands to his head, as his badge erupted with light. Ryker laughed maniacally, as his old enemy staggered backwards. Daisy's blaster was in her hand in a second, but Goose was already collapsing to the ground. The sound from Goose's badge had become an ear-splitting shriek, and his head was wrapped in a nimbus of overloaded power.

Before Daisy could even fire her weapon, though, the device in Kilbane's hand suddenly spit out a shower of sparks, and smoke began to pour from it. Kilbane shook the device, slapping it against his palm, but it was unmistakeably dead. The whine from Goose's badge returned to its normal, musical tone, and the soft, yellow light played across his face and up to his temples. Breathing hard, Goose got back to his feet.

"Damn!" Throwing the device aside, Kilbane leaped at Goose.

"I'm bringin' you in, Kilbane!" Goose snarled, as the Supertrooper locked hands with him. The two men struggled for a long moment, while Daisy watched, her blaster at the ready. As Goose started to get the upper hand, however, Kilbane's hands suddenly changed their texture, becoming metallic and ridged. Shane gritted his teeth as electricity began to arc between them.

With a loud, enthusiastic yell, Zozo charged into the room. He threw himself at Kilbane, knocking him away from Gooseman, and the discharge of electricity sent all three of them reeling. The two Supertroopers struggled back to their feet, however, and glared at each other.

Gooseman put a hand to his badge, but there was only a faint, fading sound, as the badge's glow went dead. Goose tried again, but his implant was clearly exhausted. Kilbane smirked and took a step forwards, but then staggered back, as if he were about to pass out.

"See ya, runt," Kilbane sneered. He suddenly turned and leaped out the window, shattering the glass. The renegade Supertrooper landed sprawled out in the alley, a loud snap echoing off the brick walls as his leg twisted underneath him. Ryker staggered back to his feet, a glare of yellow light playing across his leg as his power healed it.

Swaying slightly, Kilbane looked around. In the doorway to the inn, further up the alley, he spotted Buzzwang. The android shoved Eve behind him, to protect her, then clenched his fists, as he waited for the Supertrooper's attack.

Instead, Kilbane held up a computer disk. He then brought up his other hand, showing Buzzwang that electricity still arced across it. "Make one move, Galaxy Ranger, and I'll wipe this disk... and you'll NEVER find out the secret about your friends' implants!" As Buzzwang drew back, cautiously, Kilbane turned to run.

Before Kilbane could take two steps, however, a cloaked figure stepped into the alley, blocking his escape. It was a tall, robed figure, dressed all in white, its face shrouded in blackness -- a Slaverlord.

Half a dozen Crown Agents in their bright red armor came up behind their overseer, as Kilbane stared at the Slaverlord. He looked uncharacteristically stunned by the unexpected appearance. As he stood, his mouth agape, the Queen's beautiful, yet harsh face appeared in the robed being's cowl.

"You fool!" The Queen's voice said, imperiously. "I told you not to make a copy of the disk, and you disobeyed me! And now, you have as much as given its secret away to the Galaxy Rangers! Your bungling has put my entire plan at risk! If that disk falls into the hands of the Rangers, Ryker Kilbane, I will see you in my Psychocrypt!"

The robed figure pointed at Kilbane. "Guards, take him... and destroy that disk!"

Kilbane moved quickly, seizing his one chance to save his skin. Throwing the disk high in the air, he darted forward, ducking between the Crown Troops as they scrambled to catch the disk. Leaping at the Slaverlord, Kilbane reached into its chest, pulling its crystal free, and the being shimmered and faded away. Kilbane tossed the crystal in another direction as he made his escape, disappearing into the crowds that filled the streets of Tortuna.

Buzzwang turned his attention from the fleeing Supertrooper to the Crown Agents and the disk. In their hurry to grab it, the soldiers had only gotten in each others way, and the disk had bounced out of their hands, and into a pile of garbage in the corner. A couple of them were digging through the rubbish, though, and it wouldn't be long before they found it. Kilbane's words had confirmed the android's suspicions, and he knew he had to recover that disk.

Before he could move, however, Eve grabbed his shoulder. "Ranger Buzzwang!" she yelled, apparently frightened. Buzz looked up in the direction she was pointing, to see Gooseman and Daisy O'Mega plummeting towards them, from the window above.

As they fell, however, Daisy triggered a switch on her belt, and her boot jets fired. Goose opened fire on the troopers with his free hand, his other arm around Daisy, as she slowed their descent. As the Ranger and his unorthodox ally landed, firing wildly into the Crown Troops, Buzzwang saw his chance.

Sprinting forward to the pile of rubbish, Buzzwang modulated his vocal circuits, perfectly mimicing the sound of a Crown Agent's rasping electronic voice. "I'll get the disk, Commander," he said, noting that the Agent's armor was that of a leader unit. "You should make sure the Rangers don't get our Queen's crystal."

As he expected, the Agent didn't even look up at him. "Yes. Good thinking, soldier," the commander said, turning to open fire on the Rangers. Buzz quickly grabbed the disk, which he'd been careful to watch as it flew across the alley, and then ran back the way he came.

He only got a few steps, however, before one of the circuits in his leg blew out, pushed beyond its limits by his rerouting of power. He staggered a few more steps, then tumbled to the ground. Rolling, to keep his momentum going as he fell, the android scrambled the rest of the way down the alley on his hands and knees.

"The disk!" The commander had figured out that he'd been tricked. "Get that Ranger!" Daisy and Goose dropped behind a bunch of trashcans, and provided the android with cover fire, as Eve darted out of the shadows of the doorway. The teenager grabbed Buzz by the arms as he reached her, and the two of them somehow managed to get back to the shelter of the building without being shot.

"Ranger Gooseman!" Buzz called out, as the Crown Agents blasted chunks out of the wall beside him. "We seem to be pinned down!"

"Tell me about it!" Gooseman's voice replied. There was a moment of silence, broken only by the shrill sound of laser fire, and then Zozo called out from the window above them.

"Incoming!" He yelled. There was a short pause, and then a massive explosion shook the alley. The laser fire stopped.

"What was that?" Gooseman yelled, somewhat stunned.

"Grenade!" Zozo replied. "Kilbane had about three of them!"

"Three... ?" Gooseman's question was interrupted as another loud explosion rocked the alleyway. Suddenly the Crown Troops were gone, scattered in all directions.

There was a moment of silence. Then Zozo's voice drifted down from above, a bit quieter this time. "Actually, there were only the two. But I figure, what they don't know..."