
Mar 31.2018


Revision as of 17:50, 30 June 2018 by RabbiBob (talk | contribs)
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Mar 31.2018

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Brad Fox Art

We teased last month that we had received a few pieces of artwork from the show pre-production phase and the first piece is up!

We were able to match it up with the animation frame from the series and present it along with the art. Check it out here and we send a big thank you to Brad and our friend of the show!

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Phoenix Review

We were visited by M.T. Bochs earlier this month and he has produced two Episode Guide entries for Betamountain, the first of which is the entry for "Phoenix". A long time Bionic Six fan, M.T. has been writing on his Outside of the Box blog on various topics for quite some time. He's also recently learned the ancient art of the animated .gif and no cool scene is safe! Next month: "New Frontier"

Thank you M.T.!
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Happy Birthday Dan

Happy (now completely belated) Birthday to Dan Fiorella! RabbiBob picked up Novel Concept during Dan's celebration and has been reading it happily over morning coffee. Whether or not the elusive Chapter 9.5 concerning the puma ever materializes may mean the end of humanity, or maybe just decency.

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The Series 6 Podcast reviewed "Mindnet" this month and you can check that out on their site, iTunes, or your favorite podcast catcher of choice.

Site and More

As a nod to one of their running jokes on alternate character names, we added the Series 6 Podcast Translator link to the menu above and we'll try our best to provide an ongoing Lucky Charms Decoder for their name shenanigans!

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For site work, the Episode Guide landing page received a complete overhaul. After reviewing past content, the GRCDs, and Wikipedia's listing, it became very apparent that the content had a common origin, word for word in some cases, and we picked from each source to update the listing here.

The Character Guide template was edited so that only items that had values were reflected in the final viewing output. This allows for a much cleaner page, less clutter, and the ability to add items in that doesn't cause general havoc on all of the existing entries. For example, as a test on Zachary Foxx's page, we added the Voice Actor and First Appearance values and from editing perspective, we only need to add two lines on any existing character entry to populate it across the board.

The Talk Page for episodes will become the notes page where the items in the ep get listed and eventually filled in. This includes characters, locations, ships, tech, etc. This will help determine what appears where first, what needs to be added and updated. You can see this for Phoenix and you can see where a page like hyperdredge got its start.

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Speaking of morning coffee, go get some and then sit down to peruse Marienro2's Galaxy Rangers Pinterest Board. We don't think there is anyone that rivals her ability to find Galaxy Rangers items on the Internet and lucky for us, she puts them in one place for viewing. As always, good eye!

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...and More:

March was an interesting month. Had a quick exchange with a few of the series creators, two from way back in the early 2000's and a new one! On the home front, we took a few major snowstorms on and during that, we wrapped up our sixth annual maple syrup production year and we had the largest output of syrup ever for the household. It's small scale, but even the sugar shacks in the area raise an eyebrow at how much we get out of our trees, especially given that we live "in-town." It's an involved process and takes a lot of time, money and effort, but the results are great and I hope its something the kids take along with them when they grow up.

It's all about the kids, right?

And the fun.

Always remember to keep it fun.