
Wednesday, March 29, 2000


Wednesday, March 29, 2000

BM1.0 Icon Normalcursor.gif From the list, series writer Christopher Rowley will be in Southern California in April:
".....In case any Southern Cal Rangers folk are interested, I'll be GOH at ConFurence 11 in Orange County next month. April 7-9th. First time I've been out there in many years. The Convention is at the Irvine Hilton at Orange County Airport. ConFurence is an SF con for animal loving fans and this is the year of the Dragon....'nuff said."
BM1.0 Icon Normalcursor.gif Only 19 more characters to go. School vacation next week, so it should be a snap getting done. It's been an uphill walk between school, playing with the video card & SCSI drive, and work. That and the fact that the Sun is making a nice appearance lately. I'll be re-installing my OS (mostly due to getting new hardware and moving the old out), so this should be the last update for the week here.
BM1.0 Icon Normalcursor.gif Does the name Queen Rajjar mean anything to anyone? I expect this is a French name for the Queen. I came across it on this eBay auction. Speaking of which, here is a quick search of the current GR auctions on [eBay].
BM1.0 Icon Normalcursor.gif Finally, Happy Birthday to D.C.S. this month :)