
To the Last Syllable of Recorded Time - Part III


To the Last Syllable of Recorded Time - Part III


     "Zach! They're preparing to land." 
     Doc, who was looking over Niko's shoulder, whistled. 
     "Yeah, and the big tin can too. Does that look like the big decampment or what?" 
     Zach stared at the controls. "Looks like it. We'd better make ready to follow them. Niko, what time frame do you estimate for the departure?" 
     "About one hour, I'd say. Give or take ten minutes." 
     Doc nodded. "Yeah, they've got a whole bunch of troopers to load into that destroyer." 
     "Good. Be ready to copy hyperspace signature in half an hour. That gives us about twenty minutes to maneuver should something unexpected happen. Niko, you assist Doc." 
     Goose's head perked up at the unexpected sound of thrusters. He had not yet given up, but it was already nighttime, and the previous transport of fresh troopers, arriving in broad daylight in the center of an open space, had been impossible to enter. The second transport was nine hours overdue, and it was about nine hours ago that the level of action within the camp had risen dramatically -- they had found something, if he read the signs right. Probably the reason why no other transport had been necessary. Now a ship was coming down to pick up the few remaining troopers -- and the four slaverlords. One of them had ceased to function a few hours ago. 
     Anyway, he would have to take his chances with this transport. Looking up at the sky, he watched the outline of the ship through the ever present whirls of sand as it began its descent. 
     No small landing ship this time, but the big destroyer they had kept in orbit until now. Looking down at his hands, Goose realized they trembled. He wished it were the nerves, but the angry welts blossoming on now almost human skin spoke otherwise. His badge was about to pack up, but the deterioration had already started eight hours ago. He had no time to lose. 
     He carelessly covered the survival pack with sand before he began his slow crawl towards the landing area.

     Niko's voice resonated through the cabin. "They're activating thrusters. Take off in five, four, three, two, one... They're airborne." 
     "More sandborne if you ask me," Doc quipped. "Leaving atmosphere in two minutes, thirteen seconds." 
     "Prepare to follow them. How much time between leaving atmosphere and the jump?" Zach inquired. 
     "Between five and seven seconds. If we want to escape undetected, we can activate the hyperspace drive one second before they jump at the earliest. They need a half second to power up their drive -- we need a tenth." 
     "Damn tight time frame anyway. Suggestions?" 
     "No way we can pull it manually without Goose. G.V. will have to do it."
     "Heard you, even though you didn't bother to ask me" the AI beeped. "Happy to be of service." 
     Doc and Zach snorted simultaneously. "Yeah, yeah, don't go ALMA on me, okay? Just do it," the hacker ordered. 
     G.V. bleeped. "Right. Destroyer leaving atmosphere... now! Brace for jump in seven, six, zero!" The unexpected hyperspace entrance pressed all three Rangers into their seats. As Niko jumped back to the console, she saw the red triangle of the Crown destroyer still safely overlaid by the gridlock symbol. They had indeed succeeded in following it. 
     "Damn! That sucker had precomputed the jump!" Doc exclaimed, slapping the back of his chair for emphasis. "They must be in a mighty hurry in there." 
     "Same as us, Doc. Same as us." 
     Both hands braced against the corridor wall, Goose panted. He couldn't help himself; the heat in the trooper uniform was just too stifling. He burned from the inside out, and there was not enough air under the damn helmet. 
     He didn't even see it coming. His body a sudden dead weight, he glided gently, almost gracefully, to the floor. He didn't wake up as a group of troopers on sentry duty found him one hour later.