
Feb 27.2003


Feb 27.2003: LeavingEarth.jpg

BM1.0 Banner Leavingearth.jpg

Somehow the banner picture name was fitting.

Déjà vu...

I am retiring from editing/webmastering as of today. I've enjoyed the last four years of having the site out there and even more just getting the random email from far corners of the globe saying "I can't believe there are other people out there who liked the show!" Knowing that there wasn't only myself, but an entire group tucked away on Ranger-L made it that much more worthwhile.

I was surprised earlier this month when I finally browsed the access log and found that by Feb 13th the numbers were Avg daily hits: 1549 & Monthly total: 18599. Of course with my luck 80% of those were web spiders <EG>. I posted nearly 1 year worth of access stats here.

Warm thanks to Dan, Kaymo, Mr. Mandell, Cy, David Rosler, John Rawlins from the series for spending the time with help, comments, stories, submissions and just plainly being loyal to the fan base. I'm going to miss pimping Dan out like I used to as it wasn't a true update unless I posted about something new he had written. <EG> Thanks to everyone who contributed to the GR CD's, for without that work, Betamountain would be a pale comparison of what it is today. Thanks to E.B. & LN for the morale support here & there. (I never say moral support; to me it is like Water Resistant not meaning "resistant to water". My morals were never in need of support, my morale however...)

The wife and I are moving back to Maine in a few weeks. The baby is on the way in May and I see time for projects that are already collecting dust getting smaller and smaller. Rather than let a good thing grow more stagnant, I'm handing it over.

Xander Christ will be the new webmaster and sooner or later (probably later) the site itself will move to his own server. I'm sure the site will move forward in a much better (and faster) direction and will be in capable hands. After four years of having the site, I'm a little touched <G>. It came along way from "The Cryocrypt" on Geocities.

My email address will be rabbibob @ after we move and I'll be lurking as always on Ranger-L in some capacity, off in the corner where I think I belong.

Things you may want to visit and archive for your own usage:

Best regards,
Rabbi Bob

BM1.0 Icon Goose.gif For my final plug, check out Christopher Rowley's latest book titled Doom's Break the 3rd Book of Arna. Here is a link to it on Amazon. Good to see another chapter in the series out there.