
Dec 3.2017: The Day BetaMountain.Org Came Home


Revision as of 11:13, 13 December 2017 by RabbiBob (talk | contribs)

Dec 3.2017: The Day BetaMountain.Org Came Home

In a completely bizarre occurrence today during an exchange with @Marienro2 on Twitter that had the url typed out, I clicked the link. I got a DNS not found result.

Flashback around 13 years ago, after an unfortunate series of events that transpired after handing the domain off to another individual, and trust me that losing the domain was nothing compared to the real life events that led to the losing of it, the domain expired and got picked up by a squatter. It sat there in that state for years, presumably until some time this summer and then undiscovered by me until today.

I jumped on it. BetaMountain is home (literally in some ways). If feels good. To be up front, I'm not sure what direction the site will go from here, things (links, scripts, etc) are broken, the place is a mess, but the site is here back under the rightful name!

I need to post more about this in the future but if you haven't heard yet, there's a Galaxy Ranger's podcast out there and you need to go check it out. Check out for more information and give it a listen (make sure you check out Episode 9)!
