
Friday, March 3, 2000


Friday, March 3, 2000

BM1.0 Icon My Computer.gif Betamountain turns 5 months old today. Slowly growing :) With no advertising and manual search engine entries, the access log had these nice things to say:
(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days to 01-Mar-2000 20:10).
  • Successful requests: 17,793 (4,998)
  • Average successful requests per day: 147 (713)
  • Successful requests for pages: 3,450 (578)
  • Average successful requests for pages per day: 28 (82)
  • Failed requests: 2,368 (523)
  • Redirected requests: 8 (1)
  • Distinct files requested: 593 (235)
  • Distinct hosts served: 940 (153)
  • Data transferred: 128.900 Mbytes (30.623 Mbytes)
  • Average data transferred per day: 1.071 Mbytes (4.374 Mbytes)

I peeked at the error.log and most of the errors are due to the inactive links between the character guide & the episode guide, so those will be resolving themselves as the building progresses.

BM1.0 Icon My Computer.gif As it stands, the character guide conversion now runs from 0-9, A-M. Only 63 characters left until the episode guide conversion starts.
BM1.0 Icon My Computer.gif Currently, all email redirects are offline. Sorry for any inconveniences. I'm loosing email too. And if that's not enough...Yahoo/Geocities (Geo-Who?) killed my [email protected] account this morning. For now, [email protected] can be used to contact me with for Betamountain info.
BM1.0 Icon My Computer.gif Betamountain is holding a banner contest! CGfWiG & Fatima have been great enough to toss messages to the list in the absence of my working emails addresses:

Hi! Our webmaster Rabbi Bob asked me to host another contest. This time, the goal is to design a banner for Well, here we go.

  • Rules: ** (a la Rabbi Bob) ************
    • All banners must comply with either class 1 or class 2 dimensions. Class 3 will be only considered on if exceptionally done.
      • Class 1) 468 pixels x 60 pixels
      • Class 2) 60 pixels x 60 pixels
      • Class 3) free for all
    • Size should not exceed 40kb in file size. [**Strictly enforced**]
    • File formats will be either *.jpg or *.gif (animated accepted).
    • Deadline for entries: May 1st, 2000

How to contribute * *********************

  • Send the images to mailto:[email protected] before May 1st, 2000
  • vote on the contest according to further announcements on Ranger-L
  • WIN * *******

Well, Rabbi Bob didn't tell me what you might win, but I think at least one thing we can offer is an E-Mail forwarder like "[email protected]" --- if you don't have one already

CGfWiG --

Which means I have to think of a prize ;P .......