Year One - Take Two

Area for non-Galaxy Rangers discussions.
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Year One - Take Two

Post by RabbiBob »

Yesterday was one year since returned and a special thanks goes out to MaryNiko!

It's been an interesting year. The site was converted from the original version, which itself sprang up from the fan-made Galaxy Ranger CDs, and then updating material began. The Character Guide was refreshed and includes the ability to cross-reference character appearances in both episodes and fan-fiction. Now the work moves towards the Episode Guide, re-watching the series and cataloging the cross-reference items. In between everything, fanfic and media included on the GRCDs are being added to the site. The biggest additional change are these forums, something that was attempted back in the 2000's with a "free" hosted solution and the results were less than favorable. My hatred of banner ads knew no bounds!

It's a bit of work that I enjoy doing as a past-time and it gets done in between life, family, school, and other hobbies. My hope is to keep it going for as long as I can.

Finally, thanks to the Series 6 Podcast for stoking the flame a bit (didn't take much, did it?)!
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