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My Galaxy Rangers Dream (And Nightmare)

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 8:06 am
by RojDojRanger
NoGoatsNoGloryTShirt.JPG (33.59 KiB) Viewed 7738 times
I saw this photo on the twitter feed for @FCTulsa and it triggered a (day) dream of the opening segment of The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers except all of the character's heads were replaced by cute little live action baby goat heads. It was very cute in a YouTube/Tic-Toc video style. Unfortunately, this dream also triggered a nightmare of a memory of a video segment released in 2015--read warning below--- if this link doesn't work, the video segment(at about 23:22 minutes into the video) is from the TV show "Best Friends Whenever"--B.F.W.--(A Time To Rob And Slam) on free YouTube.The entire video on YouTube is about minute shorter than the original production video release in case you find a higher quality version of B.F.W. somewhere else. ---WARNING!--- the aforementioned video segment may scar some G.R. fans mental faculties... I still have internal mental disputes trying to decide if the video segment is just a strange look-a-like coincidence, a playful parody or a hateful mocking of G.R. that should earn solid actor Randy Goodwin's house a thorough covering of toilet paper in the middle of the night..

Re: My Galaxy Rangers Dream (And Nightmare)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 8:31 pm
by RabbiBob
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

/me rubs eyes

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Re: My Galaxy Rangers Dream (And Nightmare)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 6:16 am
by MaryNiko
what do I have to do first ? laugh? or cry? As I think the man in the video is Zach, a smile escapes me :-) ... if he was Goose, I would need to update my sense of humor.

Surely we ourselves would make a better parody!
I want to be .... mnnnn .... Daisy!
(poor My Gooooose ...) Sorry, I'm shock.

Re: My Galaxy Rangers Dream (And Nightmare)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 11:12 am
by RojDojRanger
I just had an evil thought. If i recall, all of the rangers at some point in the G.R. series said the phrase "Phew, that was a close one..." . If someone edited the "Phew" sound by taking out the "PH" sound and adding a hard "P" sound to the "ew" sound then you would have an instant laser noise made with one's mouth---PEW! PEW!--PEW! PEW! Imagine Shane's laser pistol making a PEW! PEW! noise in his own voice! lol-- If I were to imagine all of the rangers crammed into this scene from "Spark Dynamo" I'd put Shane in the segment where he finds the charred remains of poor Kid Quasar (rest in peace, Kid) his blue eyes filled with vengeance for the Kid (played by the kid in the episode Sundancer). DaIsy O'Mega would be in the flying saucer hovering in the background behind him. I'd put Niko in the scene where she meets the goat man Captain Capricorn (who would be the artificial intelligent robot with the proclivity to dance, Buzzwang) for the first time. I'd put the brave Zachary in the segment of the battle against the space T-Rex. And Doc would be crawling across the desert on his hands and knees. perhaps I should make an appointment with a psychologist--this nightmare I've revisited may be the start of my own psychosis... P.S. The show the fictional(thank God) trailer "Spark Dynamo" was made for, "Best Friends Whenever" is a Disney production from 2015 so it might be available on Disney + streaming service if anyone wants to see a higher quality version of this video...