Unnamed Characters

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Unnamed Characters

Post by RabbiBob »

A Lot of Characters

There's no secret that there are a lot of characters in the series. As I'm re-watching the episodes and taking notes, I'm seeing characters that I know are in other episodes, but aren't named yet. Some will never have a name, some will become known later. When you're cataloging, this is a hard thing to deal with.

Blond Hair Metal Face (Unnamed) Ep01.jpg
Blond Hair Metal Face (Unnamed) Ep01.jpg (30.31 KiB) Viewed 8654 times
This character is in quite a few episodes and he'll become one of the prominent supporting villains by the end of the season where he rides against William Ester Sawyer in "Sundancer"... but WHO IS HE? Does he even get a name? I know he rides the "Death Steed" but maybe he doesn't get a spoken name. Part of me wants to jump up to Sundancer and just run through it.

Green Space Lizard (Unnamed) Ep01.jpg
Green Space Lizard (Unnamed) Ep01.jpg (46.06 KiB) Viewed 8654 times
The guy who first shoots Zachery Foxx, no small thing in the arc of Zach's life... unknown "Green Space Lizard" for the immediate future.

vlcsnap-2018-12-09-17h14m56s350.jpg (66.68 KiB) Viewed 8654 times
One of the Progress characters was in on Zach's second shooting. I didn't catch if he was screaming or not....


As was done during the GRCD construction, I give them a name and if it starts to stick and don't be surprised if some poor character ends up being known as Cowl before this over. Eddie was one of these characters that I've had pegged with a pseudonym for awhile, long enough that last night it was going to be his permanent name.

Moxie and Miller.jpg
Moxie and Miller.jpg (43.86 KiB) Viewed 8654 times
Eddie is on the left above. I've always wondered if he was an homage to Ed Hunter ala the cover art by Derek Riggs for Iron Maiden's "Stranger in a Strange Land" (this was released in 1986) and I gave the name to the character in order to index him. But not so fast...

R-2445129-1289857447.jpeg.jpg (87.67 KiB) Viewed 8654 times
This other character that I remembered was Moxie and he has been in the Character Guide since the GRCD1 was put together. He's a fairly unassuming character and I really didn't give much thought to him when I was bringing him over. I remembered that he was with Miller in "Birds of a Feather" and that mean Miller got better after touch the Po Mutant doll in "One Million Emotions."

Moxie-Bio.jpg (6.94 KiB) Viewed 8654 times
I watched "Birds of a Feather" this afternoon (very out of order) and if you don't remember "Birds of a Feather" ...well, I had to dump the Eddie name.

Unnamed Characters
I've started a gallery of the Unnamed so I can quickly go back and reference a character. Seems that if I don't keep on top things, I start to forget if I've seen someone or not, and in what capacity. I'll leave the Unnamed in the category until I hear a name spoken or they get moved to a pseudonym.

https://betamountain.org/index.php/Cate ... Characters

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Re: Unnamed Characters

Post by RabbiBob »

Up to 46 characters in 7 episodes...

Upon rewatching the series, I initially thought that the "T" chest emblem on the Orange Agents stood for 'Tortuna'
Orange Agents (Unnamed) Ep3.jpg
Orange Agents (Unnamed) Ep3.jpg (54.67 KiB) Viewed 8626 times
But soon after they are manning the refueling station in Smugglers Gauntlet and then there are Orange Agents with Virgil Garret in Wildfire.

Agents for hire?
Orange Agents.jpg
Orange Agents.jpg (63.94 KiB) Viewed 8626 times
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Re: Unnamed Characters

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Up to Ep 14 and up to 166 characters. So far it's been characters that have an action, are in support of a location (personnel), or is a members of an established group (ex: Black Hole Gang). Inhabitants of an place are getting marginalized and included depending on their overall importance. Sweeping crowd shots are not being cataloged.

Character re-use is showing up finally. The Jal (Tower of Combat), a metamorph from another dimension teleported to this one by The General, is conjured into existence by Mogul to battle Zachary in Space Sorcerer. Rather than debate whether or not he's of the same race as the other, he's being cataloged as appearing first in Space Sorcerer as Unnamed, then later in Tower of Combat).

Whenever I hit a factor of 10 episodes, I'll update the list here:

https://betamountain.org/index.php/Talk ... preadsheet

In the end that will also tell me definitively who has a page or not.

Becca Green.jpg
Becca Green.jpg (57.37 KiB) Viewed 8621 times
When Becca first appears, she is wearing green....
Becca-Bio.jpg (42.76 KiB) Viewed 8621 times
A scene later she's wearing blue. As the animation is better with the blue one, that one goes to her bio page. I have a note to go back and relisten to that section to verify, but Ictar has been captured by this time.

This guy will plague me

From earlier (above) "Blond Hair Metal Face" ends up being a Supertrooper (see Mindnet), still waiting for a name....
Supertroopers Collage.jpg
Supertroopers Collage.jpg (49.55 KiB) Viewed 8621 times
But the real question is: who is Supertrooper Tom Waits?
Tom-Waits.png (79.46 KiB) Viewed 8621 times
Supertroop Tom Waits (Unnamed).jpg
Supertroop Tom Waits (Unnamed).jpg (14.93 KiB) Viewed 8621 times
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Re: Unnamed Characters

Post by MaryNiko »

uffffff, that was a meticulous job ... neither the creators themselves will know the result of what you are doing. awesome work!
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Re: Unnamed Characters

Post by RabbiBob »

  • 30 Episodes: 299 Characters cataloged
  • Ryker Killbane introduced to the Queen in Ep 26, already knew her in Ep 12 Mindnet (viewing order issue)
  • "Beta Orbital Station Personnel 03 - Male (Unnamed)" is really named Ray
  • And at this count, there are four Kiwi Kids (previously cataloged only 3 in BM v1.0)
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Re: Unnamed Characters

Post by RabbiBob »

The list so far (link).
  • 40 Episodes: 390 Characters cataloged
  • Officer Bocsh still alive, but on Prairie (assuming order issue, Scarecrow offs him in "Scarecrow" while on Granna)
  • Granna Wife (Unnamed) is really Mrs. Beabody.
  • Professor Barkley is Buckley...
Professor Buckley Door.jpg
Professor Buckley Door.jpg (33.39 KiB) Viewed 8601 times

Bronto Bear - it's interesting watching this episode again and reflecting against not only the classic Godzilla movies, but Ray Harryhausen's work as well (David Rosler had mentioned his friendship with Mr. Harryhausen).
BeastFrom20000Fathoms_large.jpg (80.06 KiB) Viewed 8601 times
I'm probably going to slow down a bit, this probably isn't a healthy thing to plow through all these episodes at once, though one of my all time favorite episodes is next. :ugeek:
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Re: Unnamed Characters

Post by RabbiBob »

  • 1/2 way through episode 50 "Changeling"
  • 463 characters cataloged
Glad I took a few days off, however I'm already entering the stage of "have I seen that character?" and having to scroll through the Unnamed Characters pictures.

I'm getting a little more lenient on who I catalog, but for the most part am getting anyone that is not just in a group scene.
BlackHoleGang-Ep50-Changeling2.jpg (38.61 KiB) Viewed 8588 times
The order of the episodes is odd if you focus on the Black Hole Gang, where they are and who is in charge.
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Re: Unnamed Characters

Post by RabbiBob »

Up to Episode 61
  • "3-Eyes" is "Debt|Debbt|Debit" - Don Quixote Cody
  • Henry Cabot Beck hid a neat nod to four great actors (note: I goofed Henry Fonda's name)
  • Maslo "In Sheep's Clothing" gets called Luzlo or Laslo by Jimmy Oroyo (Arroyo?) in "Fire and Iron." If it were the latter name, that would be a great link to series artist Laslo Novek.
Why the mad march through for characters?

So much of the series is the characters and information about the story arcs and order of the episodes comes from lining up the characters first. I've been thinking about the other cartoons on at this time and I cannot remember this many characters in any one season of a series. It's daunting. It makes me want to send Glen A. Schofield the final list and ask which 100 were his (I'm half joking).
Schofield was also a storyboard director and created over 100 characters for the animated series The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers.
The other reason is that once the spreadsheet is done, I can fill in all of the elements that are needed to produce each character's wiki page and create the output files, then paste into the wiki to get the pages started. Below is an example of what I put together in Perl and read in a CSV output of the spreadsheet I linked in a previous post.

GRPerlScript.png (89.83 KiB) Viewed 8548 times

From that, I can do a lot and save a ton of editing time.

4 1/2 episodes to go, then I'll sort out the list and fill in the blanks.

After that... naming the unnamed.

What to do?
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Re: Unnamed Characters

Post by RabbiBob »

  • 65 Episodes over 33 days (and there days where I didn't watch any)
  • 1496 entries, 569 unique entries
  • 230 character screenshots uploaded
The result:

The Spreadsheet

I'll start working on sorting and cleaning up the spreadsheet in a bit (not this week), then I'll need to edit the perl script to make the output, then... a ton of pictures to upload and Character Pages to make.

But first.. I'm taking a little break.
End.jpg (58.7 KiB) Viewed 8541 times

P.S. Apart from writing Ep reviews, there's probably one more entire watch of the series to do the Locations, Ships, and technology guide...plus possibly figuring out the whole continuity thing
OoF.jpg (45.84 KiB) Viewed 8541 times
... but that's not happening for awhile.
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Re: Unnamed Characters

Post by RabbiBob »


Blond Hair Metal Face Guy... still no name and even though the dialogue points you in the direction of it... I don't think he was a Supertrooper (how did he get on Kidd's ship?).
BlondHairMetalFaceGuyProbablyNotASuperTrooper.jpg (48.63 KiB) Viewed 8541 times

Which means Tom Waits maybe wasn't one either.

But we've still got Drunk on the Moon

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