Welcome to the Forums. Tell us about yourself!

Welcome to the forums! Grab a stool and introduce yourself.
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Site Admin
Posts: 269
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2018 2:07 pm
Location: BETA Mountain

Welcome to the Forums. Tell us about yourself!

Post by RabbiBob »

Hello and welcome to the BetaMountain.Org forums!

If you can see this post, your account has been activated. Before we provide access to the rest of the forums, we would like to get to know you a little better. Start a new topic and tell us about yourself! A member of the admin team will review and update your account.

Best Regards,
Rabbi Bob


Note: Accounts that register and do not have a working email address may have one of the following things occur
  1. Account approved for access to post in the Introductions forum (and then asked to update the email address) until otherwise evaluated
  2. Account not activated
  3. Account handed over to a Slaverlord (not activated and its life-force consumed)