



Revision as of 10:46, 14 February 2018 by RabbiBob (talk | contribs)

95.2% completed (estimate)


Site Conversion Progress | BM1.0 approximate size: 1000 files

Feb 07.2018

Episode Guide Updates

BM1.0 Icon My Computer.gif Very quick update message. We're down to 40 or so characters to import from the old website and all of the episode material has been pulled in as of last night. You can get to the Ep Guide by dropping down Guides menu at the top and selecting Episode Guide.
When you're there, be sure to look for any entry with a on them, there is a deeper review or re-telling. We're happy to have the Dan Fiorella re-tellings in place (The Ax, Boomtown, and Space Moby) along with the original BM1.0 screenshots.

Moving forward we have the Traash submission is the first "new" epguide entry and it has all new BM3.0 screenshots, plus we may have lined up a review or two from a guest that we located on the Internet and we'll be sure to post those up in the upcoming weeks.
Longshot - Mindnet.jpg
Approaching Longshot
This is a 21 frame stitch to make this shot. In the series the machines, scenery, and panning shots always worked well together.

Jan 28.2018


BM1.0 Icon Goose.gif I went down a rabbit hole last week when I couldn't sleep and I started playing with Blender3D. The first time out took me a long time to get a 3D render of the GR badge and the second time took me much less time (14 hours vs 1-2 hours). I still have a long ways to go to get to the end with a need to learn texturing and coloring. Not to mention I need to find a font (a friend of the show ("mt") has been assisting in that area).

Series staff member David Rosler has been very supportive of this work, offering some tips here and there. If I can get a decent model, I'm hoping to print one in 3D. Below are my second attempt and the reference image, while here is the Twitter conversation around the first image.

Series 6 Podcast

BM1.0 Icon My Computer.gif The guys over at Series 6 Podcast published their tenth episode. This time they reviewed the Christopher Rowley episde Traash and RD_Blade was kind enough to submit the guest review for our Episode Guide (thanks RD!)
Iron Falcon Comanche Traash 016000000 stitch.png
Makes you wonder if spaceships have insurance and how much the deductibles are.


BM1.0 Icon RecycleEmpty.gif Plodding along with the site conversion. We're starting to categorize the fanfic character appearances (Thank you Helper #1!) and that's causing the Bio pages to start populating with the appropriate links to get you to the fanfic that stars the character you are looking at. Also, character names (A-Z) are starting to populate as more characters are added and updated. Finally, as a tease, I found that I had a scan of the following which I'll upload to the site (35 pages) in the future:

WritersGuide Tease Cover.png

44% completed (estimate)


Site Conversion Progress | BM1.0 approximate size: 1000 files

Jan 11.2018

fatima updates About The Series

BM1.0 Icon My Computer.gif Back in March 2001, fatima submitted an "About the Series" article that really took a good look at the different aspects of the show. The article covers everything from the creators, to the run of the show, the unfortunate reason behind the lack of a second season, and the fans (You!). We were very happy to receive an update to the article this past week and it's now part of the Guides menu above. You can read the article here. Thank you very much fatima!

AKK Site Update

BM1.0 Icon Full.gif AKK has one of the longest running GR sites out there. How long you ask? We have the original announcement here in the news archives from back in 2000! AKK updated her website this past month and we have to say it is looking pretty snazzy! Check out

David Rosler

BM1.0 Icon Normalcursor.gif David Rosler has some new videos up on his YouTube channel. I have some listening to do this weekend as I see what looks like to be some discussions about his Orbiter movie project. I also see a Filmaking 101 for Experts video as well.

Website Updates

BM1.0 QBall Icon.gif News Archive imports are done up to Thursday 10-26-00
BM1.0 Icon Goose.gif Working through the "B" entries in the Character Guide area. Oddly enough, it was the old news posts that got me back on track for doing them in an order versus going all over the place.
BM1.0 Icon RecycleEmpty.gif Added Boomtown and The Ax (both Dan Fiorella submissions) to the site.
BM1.0 Icon RecycleEmpty.gif Other areas of interest that have been imported or updated.
BM1.0 Icon My Computer.gif Finally, I moved the webmaster note to the bottom of the main page and added a progress bar. There's still a lot of material to go through!

Dec 30.2017

Ken Landgraf on Instagram, Facebook and Ebay

BM1.0 Icon My Computer.gif Reconnected with series storyboard artist Ken Landgraf this month. Ken continues to draw a wide variety of subjects and genres, including some new Galaxy Ranger pieces that are up for bidding on eBay! You can find Ken and his work at the links below.
SocialMedia-Facebook.png Ken's Artist Page
SocialMedia-Ebay.png Ken's listings
SocialMedia-Instagram.jpg Pictures and Art

eBay Auctions

As the auctions are time sensitive, I'll link to these for as long as eBay keeps them visible:
The Galaxy Rangers - Group Picture 1
The Galaxy Rangers - Group Picture 1 - Uncolored
The Galaxy Rangers - Group Picture 2
The Galaxy Rangers - Group Picture 3
As this site roles out, I will post some of Ken's previous Galaxy Ranger artwork. Thank you Ken!

Dec 29.2017 - David Rosler, News Archive Stuff, Crystal Structures

David Rosler

David has a project over at that is looking to crowd source the funding.

240 miles above the surface of the earth, the International Space Station has been sabotaged to further disable all U.S. space operations.

Down below, World War III has just begun.

Be sure to check out the movie trailers that are in 2D and 3D (one of David's many specialties)!

News Archive Stuff

BM1.0 Icon RecycleEmpty.gif I was importing old news posts to the site this morning and realized that I had used character icons for bullet points. I took some time to recreate those to use with the old posts in order to keep the feel of the old site alive.

They throw the formatting off a little, but maybe I'll continue to use them going forward. Here they all are:

BM1.0 Icon RecycleEmpty.gif GV
BM1.0 Icon Normalcursor.gif Tweeker
BM1.0 Icon Goose.gif Goose
BM1.0 QBall Icon.gif QBall
BM1.0 Icon Full.gif Elma
BM1.0 Icon My Computer.gif Badge

Crystal Structures

After 15+ years in the making, AKK posted to the mailing list this past week that her fan-fic Crystal Structures is complete! Congratulations Ann-Kathrin!

Note: AKK is updating her website and as soon as she unveils the site, I'll update all the links accordingly.

Dec 18.2017 - Old vs New

Importing some things from the original GR CD 1 (more on that later), and I came across a stitch that someone else (CGfWiG I assume) did from the episode One Million Emotions.

Stitches-Earth and moon and rubbish.jpg

Without remembering that it existed, I recently did the same stitch.

OneMillionEmotions 01000000 stitch.jpg

That first one was done with the tried and true vidcap, presumably off of VHS. Pretty amazing how far things have come!

The Series 6 Podcast

Wait... there is something NEW to report about Galaxy Rangers? THERE IS!


The Podcast

Debuting in June of 2017, the Series 6 Podcast appears with RD_Blade and Jay vowing to review each and every episode of the series!




Brazilian Art Thieves

For the May 26, 2019 episode of the Series 6 Podcast, RD & Jay discuss a bunch of behind the scenes items, including RD's artwork being hijacked and put on Brazilian bootleg Galaxy Rangers DVDs.

In a moment of inspiration, I threw this together for them:

Dec 16.2017 - Really Old Content, Ranger-L, Site Navigation

Started making the landing pages for all of the episode and character pages. There's a lot of old content to pull over into this site. To compound things, I got back on Ranger-L and got back in contact with some of the 'ol regulars (I didn't say "old"), which was great. That spawned the import of Fan Fiction ("Fanfic"), something I never got around to doing before. Please note that I'm importing things in a raw fashion and marking for cleanup at another time.

I fixed the upload bug and then started editing the skin css. I haven't figured out where all of the font coloring is held, so for now it'll look like this.

Zach and Zach Jr. at the helm in the episode Phoenix

Dec 14.2017 - Updates, Rebuilds, Contemplation


I've wanted a site for awhile that had good cross-reference ability and I have some history with MediaWiki. This past week I built a temporary server, moved everything to it, tested out the basic setups, got SSL working via CertBot, cleaned up some very badly handled apache configurations, then rebuilt the original server, migrated everything back, then started installing MediaWiki. I haven't done this for awhile and it is always interesting to see what has changed for install procedures, packages, etc.

My first test article was The Ballad Of Ol' Roy and after that I've been working on migrating the old news posts and figuring out what skin I want to use. Mobile sites weren't an issue back in the day!

I've been looking around The Wayback Machine and noting all the sites that have gone by the wayside. There's a lot of content (series, fanfic, etc) that I am debating on importing into this site. I'll look for some feedback on this and if it happens, I'll memorialize the source.

Dec 3.2017: The Day BetaMountain.Org Came Home

In a completely bizarre occurrence today during an exchange with @Marienro2 on Twitter that had the url typed out, I clicked the link. I got a DNS not found result.

Flashback around 13 years ago, after an unfortunate series of events that transpired after handing the domain off to another individual, and trust me that losing the domain was nothing compared to the real life events that led to the losing of it, the domain expired and got picked up by a squatter. It sat there in that state for years, presumably until some time this summer and then undiscovered by me until today.

I jumped on it. BetaMountain is home (literally in some ways). If feels good. To be up front, I'm not sure what direction the site will go from here, things (links, scripts, etc) are broken, the place is a mess, but the site is here back under the rightful name!


I need to post more about this in the future but if you haven't heard yet, there's a Galaxy Ranger's podcast out there and you need to go check it out. Check out for more information and give it a listen (make sure you check out Episode 9)!